April 17, 2014 · Education

Spring Clean and Purge for Cash or for a Cause

Although with the recent cold snap it may not seem like it, spring is in the air! And with the season, we all get the primordial urge to clean the house. We promise ourselves to get rid of those clothes from college or the stereo that’s now a piece of furniture or all of those random objects in our closets we haven’t touched in years. But what should you do with all of these things? Your junk could be someone else’s treasure.

Sell It

  1. Garage Sale. Who doesn't love a garage sale? Make it a party! Involve your friends and neighbors. They probably have lots of junk to get rid of, too. Put out a few signs around the neighborhood. Brew some coffee. Bake some cookies. Before you know it, people will start showing up. Keep in mind that you are not Neiman Marcus, and if you really want to get rid of your stuff, make sure to price it reasonably. Remember, this is a garage sale, so don’t be afraid to come down on the price if a customer wants to bargain.
  2. Online Marketplace. These days, online selling options are endless. You know eBay and Craigslist. Ever used thredUP? These possibilities make it relatively easy for you to sell anything. There is even a site where you can sell gift cards you know you will never actually use. Gift Card Granny allows you to sell gift cards and buy them at a discount!
  3. Consignment Shops. Hit up all the local consignment shops in your town and see what they will buy from you. National chains such as Plato’s Closet and Second Time Around will also buy back your old clothes. If you want to actually get rid of your stuff, don’t haggle too much for a better price. Just take the money and run.

Donate It

  1. Goodwill Store. If you don't have time to pull off a garage sale or you don’t want friends and strangers rummaging through your stuff, your local Goodwill would love to have it. Somehow they turn “junk” into truly marketable merchandise. Have you been in a Goodwill store lately? It’s like walking through a retro department store. Keep track of what you donate. At year’s end, you may be able to write off the donation on your taxes.
  2. Other Options. Some places such as 1-800-Got-Junk, will come to your house to pick up items you no longer use. Or you can use Kanga, a brand-new crowd sourced delivery service that will pick up anything you need to either deliver to a friend or wherever you tell them to go. For instance, if you want to move some of your old stuff back to your parents’ house without the hassle of doing it yourself, Kanga has your back. Also, religious organizations, not-for-profits or community centers often host garage sale events. Your old couch, clothes and tennis racquet could find a good home and all for a worthy cause.

Spring is a great time to free your closet of all the stuff you don’t use. Remember, if you haven’t touched it in a year, odds are you probably won’t miss it!