July 09, 2012 · Security

What’s Mine Is Not Yours!

Have you ever had one of those moments when you look down at your credit card statement and realize, wait, that wasn’t me? It’s likely you or someone you know has had this happen, and for the lucky ones, it doesn’t go beyond just one mishap. For me, several weeks ago, someone stole my credit card information and used it to rack up purchases that equated to thousands of dollars’ worth of items in just one day. Overnight I became a victim of identity fraud, but luckily for me, I had nothing to worry about.
When I first opened my account with Delta Community Credit Union, I worked with Members Insurance Advisors to add Premier Identity Theft Protection on my accounts. Affordably priced, this service gave me piece of mind since it guards against not only financial fraud, but also criminal and medical. At many other financial institutions, they only offer single bureau credit monitoring for financial fraud only, so I felt safe knowing that I had full protection in other areas as well. Not only does the Premier Identity Theft Protect help prevent fraud on my accounts, it also includes restoration services, which was perfect for when my identity was stolen. 
For most of my friends that went through identity theft, they had to learn on their own about the charges being racked up on their cards. For me, it was very different. Delta Community contacted me as soon as the excessive charges went through and connected me with an expert caseworker, who worked diligently to restore my name immediately and retrieve all the money that had been stolen from me. 
At only $14 a month, ID Theft Premier is cheaper than Lifelock and actually provides more protection services. And if you are looking to spend even less,  for just $9 a month, ID Theft Basic offers many of the identity theft protection services available with ID Theft Premier, but at a fraction of the cost. With Delta Community’s Members Insurance Advisors, I was able to safeguard my identity and can say that my credit was not impacted by some random stranger who decided to go on a shopping spree with my hard-earned money. With the economy still on the mend, identity theft will continue to be a problem, so I recommend you do what I did and add ID Theft protection onto your Delta Community accounts today. 

Article submitted by Hesper